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Tenaris joins World Wildlife Fund’s “Earth Hour” initiative

On March 25, Tenaris will be participating in “Earth Hour” an initiative from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to raise awareness for climate change. Tenaris will be turning off all non-essential lights at several different mills and offices around the world at 8:30 PM, in all local times. 

Earth Hour is a global initiative organized by WWF since 2007, in which non-essential lights are turned off for an hour. The intention is not only to save energy, but also to generate awareness on climate change and encourage people to take an active role in defending the environment.

“Tenaris has a strong responsibility towards the environment and works hard every day to maintain the highest health and environment standards”, says Carolina Bengochea, Tenaris’s Environment Director. “Joining Earth Hour shows our commitment to take care of our Earth, and is a symbolic way of reinforcing environmental awareness on our day to day work.”

Earth Hour is celebrating its 11-year anniversary in 2017, and is joined by over 172 countries and territories. The Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building and the Brandenburg Door are among the 14,000+ landmarks that take part in the event.

For more information about Tenaris, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Sobre nosotros

El nombre de nuestra marca deriva de la palabra tenacidad, representando nuestra determinación para servir a nuestros clientes donde sea que estén y buscar y cumplir las metas que nos proponemos. Se trata de buscar la excelencia en todo lo que hacemos. Los colores de la multibarra representan la diversidad de nuestros equipos que hacen a Tenaris, alrededor de mundo.

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