Dustin Broglin, engineering and maintenance senior manager at Tenaris’s mill in Hickman, Arkansas. Tenaris
It was 13 years ago that Dustin Broglin attended a job fair at the University of Missouri-Rolla, his alma mater.
“They were new to the area in 2009. I heard good things about Tenaris investing into a facility in rural northeast Arkansas,” says Broglin, engineering and maintenance senior manager at Tenaris’s mill in Hickman, AR. “That excitement was something I wanted to be a part of. It was also important for me to start my career close to home, where I have a support system.”
Tenaris’s aim to develop strong ties in its communities where it operates helped steer Broglin toward taking his initial position as a Global Trainee. “We’re one big community because we all know the industrial facilities around here, and we know all the people that work in them.” He recalled an interaction that had the most impact in his decision, “I had a mentor with personal experience at Tenaris that said to me, ‘Dustin, all of your offers are good, but Tenaris is going to be willing to make an investment in you that I know no other company that you received an offer from is going to do’.”
Hickman is where Broglin says he learned that on-the-job challenges are sometimes circumstantial, and that’s where he developed a strong nerve for resiliency during market lulls when production demand is low.
“Tenaris as a whole is resilient,” he admits. “My resiliency is really—it's a product of their resiliency. Having a company that’s going to sacrifice short-term wins for long-term successes, instills in us the ability to be resilient. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But to know that I work for an organization that's going to support us when there are failures – and offer us all the resources we need to come to a solution – makes it easier.”
There’s no doubt that Broglin believes his development at Hickman is grounded in the personal relationships he has with his peers. “I get to work with a team of individuals that I consider to be at the highest talent level there is. Tenaris does their best to support everyone and keep them safe, not just when they're at work, but at home, it's the most important pillar that we have in our culture,” he says. “Hickman has a place in my heart because that's where I've worked the majority of my professional career. We learn from the losses, celebrate the wins, and help each other through those times. We’ve grown very close to one another here – sometimes to a fault. We rarely all have the same idea about an issue, but we all have enough admiration and respect for each other to know that we're just offering our opinions. Ultimately, between our different perspectives, we are going to come up with a solution that's going to work. Whatever successes that I've had – or that anyone has had here – It's not one individual. It's the effort of the entire team.”
Discussing the lessons he’s learned from those interactions, he credits the mill’s culture, “I was never the most athletic or the most intelligent. I had to make up those deficits with hard work. The team here all feels the same way. We all are where we are today because of our work ethic. We are committed to doing not only what we're asked to do, but what we know is right to do.”
Broglin also credits his successes to the support system around him.
Tenaris has made deep inroads in Broglin’s personal and professional career. His plans for the future are ground with Tenaris and he plans to continue strengthening the strongest aspects of the mill. “There are several leaders that we have, especially at Hickman that may not hold the highest position in the organization, but you know that individual motivates their team. You know you can call on them and that they’re going to offer whatever support they can give you. I see that as successful. That's something that I'm still working towards every day.”
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